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Access Control

3 Access Control Solutions | Security Integration Solutions

Combining technology with access control, Security Integration Solutions reveals 3 key ways to keep your business safe and valuables protected.

3 Access Control Solutions For Business Owners

Protecting your business in this digital-first society takes a considerable amount of time and a range of intelligent systems. While your IT department should be focusing on external cybersecurity threats, you also must protect your business premises from internal security concerns. Documents, sensitive data, and valuable equipment are all at risk of being stolen either physically or digitally. And without the right access control solutions in place, anyone you hire or allow on-site will have instant access to your most valuable assets.

Let’s say you hire a professional cleaning team to sanitize your office environment after hours. If you don’t restrict employee and visitor movement, even a cleaner could find themselves inside your personal office, surrounded by files, documents, and perhaps your laptop. This is why using keycards, key fobs, fingerprint access control or smartphone door entry systems are essential for US business owners and office managers. While someone might not remove items from your office, with unlimited access, they could potentially steal email lists, payment information, or copy sensitive documents.

So, if you’re ready to step up your on-site security, get ready to discover 3 access control solutions that we currently provide at Security Integration Solutions.

Discretionary Access Control

At your discretion, you will be able to grant access to certain people, both physically and digitally. This access control empowers business owners to permit or restrict access to certain parts of their business, as well as shared drives and files online. However, this access control gives the end-user the control to set security level settings for other people, which can cause conflict and issues internally.

Mandatory Access Control

One of the highest levels of access control, Mandatory Access Control is often used by government and military facilities as it’s one of the most secure access control systems. Using classifications such as confidential, secret, or top-secret, only users with matching classifications are granted access. This gives business owners more control over data, documents, and files.

Particularly important in this day and age when malware can easily and mistakenly be downloaded by an employee, causing significant data security issues. This level of security requires careful planning and preparation in order to get it right from the get-go. But if your business requires such access control, here at Security Integration Solutions, we are ready to help you upgrade your level of security through MAC.

Role-Based Access Control

When you see employees using keycards and keyfobs, this is typically a role-based access control system. Very popular among business owners across the country, this is an easy to install a security system that can be updated and changed as needed. Ideal if you have a high staff turnover too! This system uses job titles to grant access rather than listing each and every individual who needs to enter a room.

Most modern role-based access control locks now include a smartphone door entry system. This means individuals can unlock a door using either their keycard, key fob or smartphone. Let’s be honest, we hardly go anywhere anymore without our smartphone in hand, so it just makes sense to be able to unlock a door using your phone right! Plus, it removes the need to keep ordering new keycards every time your employee leaves theirs at home!



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